It followed Aran with large, disturbingly human brown eyes.
In the rear of the band two men shouldered a pole, on which was slung a carcass that appeared disturbingly human.
Like the others it was disturbingly human - better than the Ebert copy.
Timber was smashed into bits by every shrug of that massive body, and still it gained, a disturbingly human snarl decorating the tiny mouth.
Pneumatics also power the robots' movement, giving them a disturbingly human sway.
It was a furtive, disturbingly human motion, like that of an untrustworthy, simpering priest.
The stalks stuck up like thumbs, in an equal-sided triangle, and from each popped a disturbingly human eye.
Since meeting Brianna and her mother, he'd found that the past too often wore a disturbingly human face.
The eye sockets were empty, but the white teeth remained, giving the metal skull a disturbingly human smile.