Stop dithering about, or it'll be too late.
This is an important step forward, which the Bush Administration spent two years and millions of dollars of taxpayer money dithering about.
We cannot dither about.
I can't see what you are dithering about.
Watkins, to Gertrude's disgust, leaps atop a display cabinet, while the others dither about.
The Lateinos and Romiith computer scan monitored Norman's infra-red image as it dithered about in the crowded kitchenette.
Now there is no Commissioner, and the owners dither about, allegedly seeking another Commissioner, but one without the moral authority, one without the power to discipline them.
He had plenty to dither about, and his hand passed across the bidding box a few times.
Jim dithered about, trying to hook his toast off the bar fire and pull the plug from the kettle at the same time.
He said, "What are you dithering about, Jake?