The sources greatly diverge on what happened in the aftermath of the revolt.
But while all three nutritionists agreed that it was deficient in several minerals, their analyses diverged greatly on other significant points.
Yeah, I was lucky, and you have to be lucky in the lottery, but that's where it diverges greatly.
He said his approach would not diverge greatly from Mr. Spencer's.
Over time, the various spoken varieties diverged greatly from Literary Chinese, which was learned and composed as a special language.
Should visions greatly diverge a new community company may be spun out.
However, when Hongo leaves the story, the series diverge greatly.
(Their visions can't diverge too greatly, because the plays will eventually be performed one after another.)
The two composers' works sat together comfortably, although their styles diverged greatly.
Subclasses may have interests that diverge greatly from the class, but may be treated the same.