Since then the group has invested in diverse segments such as nonwovens, automobile parts, house hold products & IT.
Tweens are a highly diverse segment of the U.S. population.
However, the Washington D.C. area is increasingly home to a diverse segment of businesses not directly related to the Federal Government.
In some part it is because such systems create new opportunities - both jobs and housing - for diverse segments of metropolitan inhabitants.
Whether in Dunkirk or Brazil, tradition, organization, and the involvement of diverse segments of the population are essential for the well-being of the party.
A brief exchange reinforced how intertwined the diverse segments of this city can be.
But there are other currents moving through this election season that may tend to pull some diverse segments of the population closer together politically.
Because of the wide variety of functions available on converters, this technology has found application in diverse waste-producing industrial segments.
Future research should be aimed at testing, correcting or modifying our initial findings, with larger and more diverse segments of the population.
The effort was the subject of significant criticism and contentious debate from diverse segments.