Broadcasting is just one part of Gencorp's diversified businesses.
The rose business had served the family well, but by now they were prosperous merchants with diversified businesses.
Their goal, most likely, would be to build a diversified business that they can ultimately sell to an industry giant.
Messner today carries on a diversified business related to his mountaineering skills.
He played a major part in the post-war expansion of the company from a highly specialised family concern to a diversified international business.
Its diversified business is primarily focused on the electronics, game, entertainment and financial services sectors.
He had also been on the board of the Ogden Corporation, a diversified business, since 1966.
The group's more diversified and internationalised business operations were the reason for the change of name.
Inheriting the same values of hard work, honesty and integrity from his late father, he has taken the company to greater heights with diversified businesses.
Directi is a global internet company with various diversified businesses.