Last year, they diverted about 2,400 of the 14,000 people indicted on drug charges into treatment programs.
For the five companies competing for the next generation of video game players, there is nothing diverting about the coming confrontation.
But evidence since then has shown that Mr. Hussein manipulated the program to divert about $1.7 billion.
He said he was enormously relieved that none did, thus diverting speculation about his future for a few more months or years.
The center would be the state's first attempt to divert about 3,400 addicted felons a year away from teeming prisons and into treatment.
With other types of crimes down sharply in the precinct, officials said, they have been able to divert about 40 police officers to the task.
Instead, to pay off his obligations he "diverted" about $2 million from the title-insurance company that he owned.
They diverted about 150 caseworkers to the effort.
The thermal neutron analyzer diverts about 4 percent of bags in normal operations.
Until the flow was halted, Los Angeles diverted about 90,000 acre-feet of water from the lake each year.