Hundreds of police officers diverted cars and kept watch as marchers streamed through downtown streets to the site, a small park on the square named for Feliks Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Soviet secret police.
Other nuts-and-bolts necessities included parade permits from the local municipalities, route approvals from police departments, traffic officers to divert cars along the routes, hospitality tents and cleanup crews to come in afterward and make the streets and parking lots look like nothing ever happened.
Critics say the train will worsen congestion; they argue that it will not divert cars from Route 29 and will slow traffic at two crossings.
Mr. Albrecht thinks the best solution would be to station traffic control officers at Hyde Street to divert cars and limit the number that can inch down the crooked street, even if it means charging motorists a fee to pay the officers' salaries.
He says the police have now sealed off both ends of the road, diverting cars away.
It was as if it had been sliced off at the end like sausage, diverting speeding cars onto a much smaller, much slower road.
Rapidly he began diverting cars and reassigning areas to provide minimal coverage of the rest of the city while releasing every possible car to the troubled area.
The park serves as a barrier against through traffic, diverting cars away from residential blocks.
It will have 36-foot ceilings, modern sprinkler systems and the use of a rail spur with a switch that diverts cars off the line and moves them through the warehouse bays for loading and unloading.
In the last year, some Honda dealers have accused some of Honda's American sales and marketing executives of accepting bribes and kickbacks as payment for diverting extra cars to them.