New York is more successful at diverting material for recycling than any other big city, she said.
"We're making every effort to divert materials to the hurricane-damaged areas," she said.
They have diverted sensitive materials over and over again for many years.
Nations that use nuclear energy to generate power can divert material intended for fuel to weapons.
Later, World War I diverted funds and material to war use.
It built its weapons by diverting material from civilian nuclear plants - just what the United States says Iran is doing.
Thus, when diverting industrial materials from their commodity pathways to produce art became culturally valuable, the objects themselves gained value (1985).
It's harder to divert nuclear material to bomb-making undetected in such a reactor than in those the North has now.
By diverting material from the landfill, the counties have made it possible for Edgeboro to stay open until Dec. 31.
The term "continuity of safeguards" means allowing an inspection comprehensive enough to assure that the country is not diverting nuclear material to nuclear weapons projects.