Last week, executives announced that the company was losing business as customers diverted shipments to other companies because they feared a walkout.
Moreover, those manufacturers still making such sets are also diverting shipments from the United States to developing countries where demand is strong, such as China.
This spring the pickings were especially good, as Seventh Avenue suppliers were forced to divert shipments from debt-burdened and bankrupt mainstream retailers.
Concern is also rising over the possibility that Venezuela may eventually divert shipments from the United States, which now receives more than half of Venezuela's total production.
Waste industry officials said a tripling of dumping fees at New York City's Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island has also diverted shipments westward.
"Here's a way you can help us," said Rudolph Giuliani to the nation yesterday, trying to divert further shipments.
It later emerged that in the 1970's Antigua had also diverted shipments of Canadian 155-millimeter howitzers to South Africa for use by its troops against Cuban forces in Angola.
They must divert shipments from points of origin; too great a risk in commandeering existing supplies.
See, we divert shipments of relief supplies to certain individuals in return for their land.
-my people the Daribi began to divert shipments of cargo intended for Europe and the Americas.