The English Navigation Acts of 1651 and 1660-1663 restricted free trade in an attempt to divert trade to a putative London entrepôt.
After 1713 military competition was replaced by economic as the French, and later other British traders, tried to divert trade from the HBC to Montreal.
Panamanian historians maintain that this attack diverted Spanish trade from the trans-isthmian route.
The initial two treaties were an attempt to secure the availability of drugs for scientific and medical purposes only, thus, diverting illegal trade.
Furthermore, bilateral pacts can damage the U.S. economy by diverting trade from low-cost foreign suppliers.
Economists have long criticized regional agreements that divert trade instead of creating new trade, because this distorts international markets.
Chera-Pandya war during this time further exacerbated the conditions and diverted Roman trade away, causing the decline of both the kingdom and its dynasty.
They have created genuinely new trading opportunities, but they have also diverted trade from established patterns with Europe and the United States.
The merchants wanted to divert trade away from the Arabs, fearing the enrichment of the North African Maghreb as a threat to Christian Europe.
Instead, it amounts to increasing our exports by diverting trade from more efficient third country suppliers with less political clout.