It diverted his route home by only a short distance.
Or maybe diverted by a quartermaster before it ever got to Iraq.
To divert attention from the real matter in hand by any further reference to these works is unnecessary, and would be weak.
He managed to divert the Swoon by his own question.
Well, he wouldn't have me diverted from my profession by my need for money.
The owners, on the defensive, are accused for the first time of having their focus diverted by the other club they own across the Atlantic.
Nothing will ever divert me from that goal, by that path.
The route is estimated to divert 1.8 million drivers from the highways by 2025.
Well, suppose there was a way she could get into more than two threads worth of trouble, if not diverted from it by the demons?
In the two towns, recycling alone had diverted about 40 percent of household garbage by weight.