The arrondissement is divided administratively into rural communities and in turn into villages.
It is divided, in turn, into two periods, with the division falling roughly in the 3rd-4th century.
The department is divided administratively into 7 communes and in turn into villages.
The Division is divided administratively into 3 Subdivisiona and in turn into villages.
The department is divided administratively into 3 subdivisions and in turn into villages.
These are the primary divisions of the city; each is divided in turn into a large number of ri.
These 30 years were divided in turn into decade-long periods during which Vestals were respectively students, servants, and teachers.
In the process, many houses were replaced by two or more houses which were often divided in turn.
These were broadly divided into "core operating system" and "Windows client experience", in turn organized into 25 teams of around 40 developers on average.
Communes, the largest collective units, were divided in turn into production brigades and production teams.