The United Nations divides the world into two groups, less developed countries and more developed countries.
Efforts to resist the French eventually led to their expulsion from the country in the mid-20th century, leaving a nation divided politically into two countries.
Wayfarer of Time takes place on a continent called Noievarl, which is divided into four countries.
The planet in the main story is divided into four countries.
After the embrace and the speeches, the two mayors walked back to their side of the river, dividing into two countries once more.
He could never accept the partition of India of 1947 which divided Bengal into two countries.
After the Second World War, Germany had been divided into two countries.
Vietnam was divided into two countries when the French were defeated there in 1954.
Like Oz, it is divided into four countries associated with the four cardinal directions, plus a fifth central country that dominates the others.
You can't divide it into two countries.