A roaring polyphonic outcry reached the cave, a wave of divine anger coming from the place a hundred meters distant where the Council had so recently passed its resolution.
Carthaginians had demolished tombs to get materials for the siege ramps, and Punic soldiers believed that divine anger had caused the plague.
In Roman theology, prodigies were abnormal phenomena that manifested divine anger at human impiety.
But that is not sufficient to explain the subsequent outburst of divine anger.
None of the saints, prophets or psalmists had been able to endure this divine anger.
Durga, the great Warrior Goddess, represents the lethal energy of divine anger when turned against evil.
Any of these moral deviations could cause divine anger (ira deorum) and therefore harm the State.
Prodigies were transgressions in the natural, predictable order of the cosmos - signs of divine anger that portended conflict and misfortune.
"The fear of divine anger", says Prof. Jastrow, "runs as an undercurrent through the entire religious literature of Babylonia and Assyria."
Due to the nature of Narasimha's form (divine anger), it is essential that worship be given with a very high level of attention compared to other deities.