The decadence of the great noble families who supported Ferdinand of Antequera in the Compromise of Caspe is portrayed as a divine curse on them.
It was because in 1965, during the Second Vatican Council, the church officially abandoned its ancient doctrines about the collective guilt of the Jewish people and the eternal divine curse upon Jewish blood.
The fateful linkage between slave status and black skin as part of a divine curse was first made centuries later by Islamic writers.
Because of a divine curse on the Ulstermen, the invasion was opposed only by the teenage Ulster hero Cúchulainn, who held up the army's advance by demanding single combat at fords.
The kudurrus would contain symbolic images of the gods who were protecting the contract, the contract itself and the divine curse that would be placed on a person who broke the contract.
Various persons had muttered that such a robbery would invite a divine curse, but they were already under it: the curse being of Azhrarn's making.
We have long been under a divine curse because of that.
I saw Nicholas, his head wounded, his habit in shreds, now defeated, kneeling in the path from the gate, cursing the divine curse.
Prolix returns at that moment, claiming dramatically that soon the air in the village will become polluted by a divine curse.
The film opens with scenes of the gorgeous Belarussian heartland and a gravelly voice-over that informs viewers of the country's ancient divine curse.