Any of you ever stop and think how much you're handing yourself when you figure you can get along without divine intercession?
It came to him, as he tells it, in the post-Freudian form of divine intercession: a dream.
If you are a religious man, you might pray for divine intercession.
Others at the service sought divine intercession for such afflictions as arthritis, substance abuse, severe depression and the loss of a job.
On occasion, this comfort comes through the mediation of art, a descent of grace that seems like divine intercession.
Men and women arrive there all day long to meditate, ask for divine intercession and have their fortunes told.
They respond to overwhelming suffering with the hope of divine intercession and a perfected World to Come.
Vows made to saints in an effort to secure their divine intercession regarding illness, injury, abandonment, or a spouse were quite common.
"Once the king is dead, we will claim responsibility through divine intercession."
Prisoners who were liberated thanks to the divine intercession of Saint Honorina brought their chains as an ex-voto.