Smith said that instead, he had been divinely ordered to replace the lost material with Nephi's account of the same events.
He is not afraid to take on the question of evil in a divinely ordered universe.
An encounter with an alien vessel forces everyone to confront the age-old question of how evil can exist in a divinely ordered universe.
But Billy quickly rejects the idea of a divinely ordered universe proffered by a born-again Christian truck driver with whom he hitches a ride.
Information, like the early modern worldview in general, shifted from a divinely ordered cosmos to a system governed by the motion of corpuscles.
Divinely ordered medieval cosmology meets God-forsaken modernity to mildly comic effect.
The cosmos as originated by Pythagoras is parallel to the Zoroastrian term aša, the concept of a divine order, or divinely ordered creation.
These narratives focus on human actors, with only occasional intervention from deities but a pervasive sense of divinely ordered destiny.
When Joan hears of the dream, she becomes convinced that she has been divinely ordered to drive the English out of France.
It is divinely ordered that almost everything which corrupts the soul, must also decay the body.