The idea was to see if diving speed had any impact.
Since it might be a function of diving speed, I forced myself fore-time until I felt shrouded in the bright blue of high-speed fore-diving.
The smaller size led to better roll, and their lower drag allowed the diving speed to be increased to 670 km/h (420 mph).
Top diving speed was Mach 0.81, obtained after a prolonged dive.
Seconds later the fighter plowed into the surface of the water at full diving speed and a seventy-degree angle.
Given that a peregrine falcon can achieve a diving speed of 150 miles an hour, the average pigeon-kicking pedestrian isn't much of a threat.
The aircraft went into a diving speed of .99 mach, which may have broken the sound barrier.
To compensate, the pilots relied on its maneuverability and high diving speed.
He was finally able to escape the last four pursuing enemy aircraft by using his superior diving speed.
The metal skinned wings allowed a diving speed that was 80 mph (130 km/h) higher than the fabric-covered ones.