The attack jumped off on 12 November, and the division drove against the German Winter Line in the Vosges Mountains.
After a brief pause, the division would drive north, crossing the Diyala River, and finally participating in the capture of Baghdad on 11 March 1917.
On the 14th, the Japanese 13th division, with aid from collaborators, drove south to break through the defense lines of the Chinese 10th and 29th group armies.
After tough fighting, the divisions of Marcognet and Philibert Fressinet drove the Austrians back to the east bank.
The division drove through Lorraine and into Luxembourg, and then fought in the Battle of the Bulge.
The division drove for Yongch'on from Uiseong.
Ignoring strong American warnings, armored Iraqi divisions drove into the north today and seized an important city in the Kurdish enclave.
Over the past five years, the company's German division has driven group performance.
As the division drives forward, so will the fuel.
The division soon came upon Confederate pickets, drove them back, and at about 6 a.m., began to come under artillery fire.