It was during Francis' reign that divisions in the Christian religion in Western Europe erupted.
The confessional division of the states of the Holy Roman Empire eventually erupted in the Thirty Years' War of 1618-1648.
In 1156, factional divisions in the court erupted into open warfare within the capital itself.
Ethnic divisions and conflict grew and eventually erupted in a series of Yugoslav wars a decade after his death.
Across the next decade, bitter division erupted in Churches of Christ throughout the nation.
Meanwhile divisions among the Republicans erupted into fierce street fighting in Barcelona in May 1937, with the Soviet-influenced communists completely crushing the anarchists and Trotskyites.
The division erupted in 1908, when Dom Pedro de Alcântara (Petrópolis Branch) renounced his succession rights.
Despite the unity demonstrated at the Central Committee meeting, several delegates predicted that the divisions in the party would erupt at the congress.
The party had suffered the death of its leader Carlos Palenque, and divisions had erupted amongst his successors.
But long-simmering sectarian divisions erupted almost to the point of civil unrest during the 1990's.