In March, S-45 and her division, now SubDiv 53, headed west.
Augereau's division crossed first and headed east and north toward Arcole.
Kirk recalled from Khan's journal how divisions within the colony had headed toward a breaking point in the years after the cataclysm.
Now the men of the 1/ and 29th division were heading for Omaha Beach, unaware that the tough, battle-tested 352nd Division manned the defenses.
At dawn on November 4, 17 British and 11 French divisions headed the attack.
Two days later, she and her division headed for the western Pacific.
The smaller division, joined by several small groups and individuals, headed for Hastings' Cutoff.
After that, the division renewed its drive and headed for Stolberg and Eschweiler simultaneously.
The division now headed for Gey, which was reached on 30 November, but heavily defended.
After capturing Upper Silesia Neuling's division headed east.