The division also supports the performing, visual and creative arts and promotes Maryland as a location for film and television production.
This division promotes the use of safer pesticides, including biopesticides, as components of IPM programs.
Second division with 24 teams, two promoted.
The group meets every other week to explore ways the two divisions can promote their properties.
At levels 1-8, each division promotes to the division(s) that lie directly above it and relegates to the division(s) that lie directly below it.
The division promotes and assists in the expansion of exports and works with Minnesota-based companies that are interested in expansion.
Each division promotes to the division(s) that lie directly above them and relegates to the division(s) that lie directly below them.
Under his direction, the division promoted international collaboration among scientists.
The division also promotes small scale turnkey power plants.
Because cytokinin promotes plant cell division and growth, produce farmers use it to increase crops.