The requests come at a time when the Senate is embroiled in a divisive dispute over whether to pass a resolution disapproving President Bush's war strategy.
The decision became embroiled in the divisive sectional dispute that eventually turned into the American Civil War.
Now, a new case threatens to entangle the Brooklyn District Attorney in a divisive racial dispute.
Dubbed Hug A Pilot by staff, the scheme was meant to restore relations after recent divisive industrial disputes.
But the seeds of a potentially divisive dispute seem to be planted.
Twelve months later, in Fremantle, she was the subject of a divisive industrial dispute that had nationwide implications.
The next least divisive dispute is among Indians who are Oriental Orthodox.
Intellectual debates spiral into wars of ideas when academic concepts of neutrality and objectivity are abandoned and issues devolve into embittered and divisive disputes.
Though Wilson today calls the controversy "one of the most intense and divisive disputes in the recent history of ideas," he diminishes the episode's effect on his life.
These forces were in play over the last few weeks as a racially divisive dispute over the dismissal of Selma's first black school superintendent sparked demonstrations, provoked fears of violence and disrupted schools.