But Socialist leaders said tonight that voters spoke loudly against Fidesz's campaign, which critics said aggressively courted right-wing votes with a divisive nationalist message.
But on Monday night, as Mr. Barrett prepared to deliver his divisive message, Morristown made its elegant statement.
"A lot of people said the '92 convention set a negative tone, and that it set a divisive message for the country," Mr. Bush said.
Instead of working with us on these common-sense reforms, the President is barnstorming swing states, pushing a divisive message that pits one group of Americans against another on the basis of class.
He knows that Louis Farrakhan has a divisive message, but he thinks blacks need to hear his credo of economic independence.
And that's a profoundly divisive message.
"That's our crucible, an offensive and divisive message in an age of plurality and tolerance."
"I felt there was a very negative and divisive message in that vote rejecting the holiday, and that it was inappropriate to play the game under those circumstances."
There was a negative and divisive message in the Arizona vote.
But the dance can be more delicate when viewers find a potentially divisive message in big studio movies that were meant more to entertain than enlighten.