But the immediate result was day after day of news coverage that focused attention on just those divisive subjects.
They also say parents are denied a voice in deciding how much their children should learn about such a divisive subject.
Memory in Germany remains an insistent and divisive subject.
Context is crucial, of course, and nothing that touches the divisive subject of abortion can be considered routine at this moment in political and legal history.
Almost no one dared to discuss private attitudes, a more subtle and potentially divisive subject.
Other experts on the period, though, say the war remains a divisive subject and Mr. Bush is better off for having been less involved.
But as we return to our states, it is likely that one divisive subject will dominate the national debate.
Tobacco is a divisive subject for debate because of the many different sides there are to the argument.
Far from skirting around divisive subjects, we managed to reduce our differences.
Last week's energy negotiations were devoted to less divisive subjects, like energy efficiency and hydrogen fuels.