It would seem (though Hetherington does not prescribe this) that deciding to remain in the same area is one obvious way for divorcing couples to put their children first.
While only 10 percent of divorcing or separating couples actually end up in court in England and Wales, the government acknowledges that the system fosters hostility rather than cooperation between parents.
Furthermore, her attorney has also cited state law which allows divorcing couples to divide equally anything of value enjoyed by both parties until the divorce is finalized.
They are among thousands of divorcing couples - middle-class, rich and poor - whose last tie to each another, other than children and memories, is real estate.
Might divorcing couples in Queens battle for custody of their old 718 lines?
When he is not presiding over divorcing couples and deadbeat dads, he is fixing broken countries.
Collaborative divorce is a method for divorcing couples to come to agreement on divorce issues.
Do-it-yourself divorce in Vermont State-mandated course enables nearly 70 percent of divorcing couples to untie the knot without a lawyer.
Moreover, the law would require counseling for divorcing couples with children at home, a provision that Ruth Mulder believes would have saved her fledgling marriage.
Researchers who have interviewed divorcing couples have repeatedly found that, in cases where the divorce is not mutally desired, women are more than twice as likely to be the ones who want out.