For the general reader, the divorce revolution of the last 30 years will probably be the most fascinating part of this book.
The no-fault divorce revolution began in 1969 in California; South Dakota was the last state to allow no-fault divorce, in 1985.
"I think what is going on in Oklahoma is part of the aftershocks to the divorce revolution."
Nevada's early reputation as a "divorce haven" arose from the fact that, prior to the no-fault divorce revolution in the 1970s, divorces were quite difficult to obtain in the United States.
The no-fault divorce revolution began in 1953 in Oklahoma; New York is currently the latest state to allow non-consensual no-fault divorce, in 2010.
The no-fault divorce "revolution" began in Oklahoma in 1953, but gained national impetus in 1969 in California, and was nearly completed in 1985 in South Dakota.
It sounds like a simple little thing, but on the other hand, at the dawn of the divorce revolution, Judy Wallerstein alone said: 'I'm going to talk to the children.
Prior to the no-fault divorce revolution, a divorce was processed through the adversarial system, meaning that a divorce could be obtained only through a showing of fault of one of the parties in a marriage.