David froze, feeling the dizzy sensation of the world inverting around him.
Gradually, the dizzy sensation left her, and she sat up, holding her throbbing head in both hands.
Runacres digested the information, a dizzy sensation making it hard to concentrate.
Joshua pressed his fingers to his temple in the pain hope it would halt the dizzy sensation.
Don experienced a dizzy sensation as increasing spin sloshed the liquid about in his inner ear.
The dizzy sensation we experience when standing in high places is not simply a fear of falling.
But she had to shake her head to clear it of the dizzy sensation.
She screwed her eyes shut to fight the headache and the dizzy sensation.
He was whole, unharmed, except for a throbbing pain at the base of his skull and a dizzy sensation brought on by his too-swift movement.
The policy proved effective, for the dizzy sensation rapidly ceased.