He owned 64 and claimed their dizzying patterns and unrelated parts were a metaphor for his work - putting together complicated municipal finance deals.
The floor was tiled in dizzying patterns of mosaics that repeated themselves all the way up to the dais, on which rested a golden throne.
Vor inched deeper into the confined area and peered at the open panel, noting the dizzying pattern of colored components.
Around and around-the coiled spring of the ramp inside the well began to form a dizzying pattern.
Thus began a dizzying, yearlong pattern of disappearing, resurfacing just long enough to be placed in foster care, then disappearing again.
The floor had a dizzying pattern of dark brown, rust, and pale tan-colored stone running across the hall in zigzag lines meant to look three-dimensional.
There are 10 players in the waza ensemble on this disc, and they create a dizzying pattern based on overlapping repetitions.
The Rhoon waggled her oculars in a dizzying pattern.
The alien's face vanished from the picture, replaced by a dizzying pattern of color.
I stood there, clutching my head, staring at the intricately interlaced lines and the dizzying pattern of the maze.