Tsapko spun the helicopter in a dizzying 180-degree turn as another bullet smashed into the upper fuselage.
The Valkyrie whipped into a dizzying turn and dove through the smoke.
His novels are full of subtle, often multilingual, references to literature and history and his dense, intricate plots tend to take dizzying turns.
The women's event, more than 30 miles, is 60 laps; the men's 50-mile race presented a dizzying 98 turns of the course.
A résumé, pieced together from his memories and public records, traces a route of dizzying turns and determination.
He survived, narrowly, and over many months quietly made his way back to health, a dizzying and unexpected turn for one of Hollywood's mavericks.
There was another of those dizzying turns and he was looking at a metal door.
The ship made a dizzying turn and headed away from the green castle.
Then he cranked little ship over into a dizzying vertical turn that barely cleared the barren hillside.
They were cruel and sweetly childlike in dizzying turn.