A wave of dis-orientation, dizzying but not unpleasantly so, scrambled my sense of direction.
She gasped suddenly as a dizzying wave broke over her, only dimly surprised that she was somehow being granted a second gift of vision.
The energy rose in dizzying waves, the distortion from the broken stones increasing as it grew.
The mead pulsed through her in dizzying waves.
He heard a snap, he said, and felt dizzying waves of pain and nausea.
Feelings were rushing through me in such great, dizzying waves.
He rubbed his forehead and swallowed, trying to rid himself of a sudden dizzying wave of nausea.
He felt his left arm snap, and a dizzying wave of excruciating pain shot down his spine.
Hot air rose in dizzying waves from the plains below and seared my lungs, but I ignored it.
Jillian softened against him, clung to his shoulders, and gave herself over to dizzying waves of sensation.