She might have taken her place as mistress of this grand household with its endless corridors and dizzyingly high ceilings and elegantly appointed rooms.
Two huge trunks rose dizzyingly high, without auxiliary branches for at least sixty feet; and spanning them, swung a bridge.
Prices had climbed dizzyingly high since the Lizard invasion, and his radarman's pay hadn't come close to keeping up.
Alan went up the tree, dizzyingly high, even though he wasn't at the top, and cut it loose.
Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw the dizzyingly high walls of Heaven, and Heaven's gates.
Biotechnology had forced the growth; low gravity would let it go dizzyingly high.
Clouds lower the Chicago sky, caress and obscure the tops of the dizzyingly high buildings.
Last week, the Dow industrials passed a dizzyingly high milestone: 5,600.
Though all must be dizzyingly high, one summit soared above the others: a great horned peak that seemed to rake the sky.
He was now playing for dizzyingly high stakes.