"dobry" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "dobry" in Polish


the image to "good" in Polish More "Thumbs Up"! the image to "kind" in Polish Cute Smiling Baby Girl
  1. good ***** , also: gude ScoE dialect
    • dobry
      I've got good news for you.
      It was too good to be true.
      That was a really good price.
      That's a good idea.
      He needs somebody good.
      I'm going to wait for somebody good.
      opposites: bad, ill
    • dobry, mający umiejętności
      He is good at chemistry.
      She is a good driver.
      I can sing better than her.
    • moralny, dobry
      His acts are good.
      It is a good example for children.
      antonym: bad
  2. all right **** , also: alright , also: aight slang , also: a'ight , also: ight slang
    • w porządku, dobry, OK (o osobie lub rzeczy)
      You will be alright.
      The dinner was quite all right.
  3. fine ****
    • świetny, udany, dobry
      What he did was a fine piece of art.
      "How are you?" "Fine, thanks."
      If you want to go now, that's fine.
      link synonyms: great, fair
      consulta también: perfect
  4. positive ****
    • pozytywny, dobry, korzystny
      What are the positive effects of the therapy?
      Kate has a positive influence on our children.
      It is known that drinking tea has a positive effect on health.
      antonym: negative
  5. kind *****
    • uprzejmy, dobry, życzliwy, miły
      He was kind enough to help me with the housework.
      Please be so kind and give me the coat.
      That's very kind of you.
      She was so kind that she let me sleep in her room.
      link synonym: polite
      opposites: impolite, cruel
  6. radical **
    • dobry, udany  AmE informal
      That was a radical party.
      Our meeting was radical, everyone enjoyed it.
      I hope my date will be radical.
  7. lush *
  8. OK (abbreviation) ***** , okay **** , kk (abbreviation) , k (abbreviation) ** , also: okie , also: kay * , also: okeh
    • dobry, do zaakceptowania spoken
      "Did you like my soup?" "It was OK, but you should add more pepper."
      The quality of this food is not OK.
  9. fair ***
    • dobry, przyzwoity (np. pogoda)
      They promise fair weather in the evening.
      We need fair weather to go on this trip.
      link synonym: fine
      consulta también: honest
  10. savoury BrE , savory AmE
    • dobry, akceptowalny (moralnie)
      This place doesn't have a very savoury reputation.
  11. deft
  12. canny , also: cannily
  13. solid ***    BrE informal
    It was a solid dinner, you're a great cook!
    What a solid bread! How did you make it?
  14. warm-hearted
    • dobry, serdeczny, życzliwy
      She is a warm-hearted woman who never turns down anybody in need.
      He was a warm-hearted boy who wanted to be on good terms with everybody.
  15. retentive
  16. shiok
  17. budgeree AusE informal
  18. irie dialect
  19. sniptious dialect
  20. cannie
  1. B
    • dobry, czwórka (ocena w szkołach angielskich i amerykańskich)
  2. strong , *****
    • dobry (w czymś)
      He's strong at math.
      I'm strong at singing.

Related phrases — "dobry"

dobrze = well +7 significados
dość jakiś (np. dobry, normalny) = halfway something
dobrze = all right , also: alright , also: aight slang , also: a'ight , also: ight slang +4 significados
dzień dobry! = all right , also: alright , also: aight slang , also: a'ight , also: ight slang
wysoki (dobry) = high
porządny (wystarczająco dobry) (np. wypłata, marynarka) = decent
zdrowy (dobry dla zdrowia) = healthy
korzystny (mający dobry efekt) = beneficial
mizerny (niezbyt dobry w czymś) = lousy
dobrotliwy = benevolent +3 significados
w (coś, np. dobry w coś) = at , at
phrasal verb
przywoływać coś (np. dobry nastrój) = call something up , also: call up something
przebijać (np. dobry lub zły wynik) = cap