There were no complaints from the docile creatures responsible for his maneuvers in orbit.
They had gone ahead of their Australian guide and he did not have a chance to warn them the creature - usually docile - lived there.
Landric hid a smile as the now docile creatures let themselves be led away at the boy's pace.
They're docile creatures who never talk back.
Despite its fierce appearance, Texas horny lizards are extremely docile creatures.
Leopard Geckos are friendly, docile creatures by nature, but they sometimes bite.
Through chemicals in the water, they can lure and trigger an aggressive response in the otherwise docile creatures.
The title character is a docile creature that attaches itself to the human spinal cord.
Having got the oxen, the next thing was to break them to the yoke; for, although docile creatures enough, they had never even seen a wagon.
They are docile creatures when coming face to face with humans.