The acting zone of the reserve pool has its certain length with so many docking sites.
The chamber was not far from Bruno's own docking site.
The phosphorylated tyrosine residue can then serve as a docking site for downstream signaling proteins.
These American officers informed Australia about the location of Tukuran as a good docking site.
On top of each protein is a docking site for either edema factor or lethal factor.
A permanent docking site will be chosen in 1990.
The two tyrosines of the docking site have been reported to be necessary and sufficient for the signal transduction both in vitro.
These compounds compete with natural estrogen for a docking site on cells throughout the body.
The beaches serve as playing group for families and the harbor serves as a docking site for boats.
One waving from the docking site and the other farther off, standing next to an open cowling.