Along the causeway are some charter fishing boats and a dockside restaurant called Sparky's Landing.
At a popular dockside restaurant called Swashbucklers, an enormous copper bust of Blake is displayed next to the door.
"I do not know of any employee who has not been accused," Lee Keating, a former supervisor, said in an interview at a dockside restaurant.
The waterfront Zona Ribeirinha has rows of dockside restaurants and bars.
"They went past all the dockside restaurants in Bay Shore, mooning people."
A newly renovated dockside restaurant helps make Harbour Towne a fine marina.
Also, the dockside restaurants inside Jaffa port serve the day's catch for less than $25 a couple.
Kid and pet friendly, the hotel has a cheery dockside restaurant.
After saving lives in a dockside all-you-can-eat restaurant Bertha realizes that Deadpool was only attracted to her large form.