The person's doctor and hospice team, if appropriate can arrange for admission to the hospital if necessary.
Your doctor and the hospital will arrange for you to make regular visits for antenatal care.
My doctor had arranged it all and I didn't want to do it.
Uncle had been in bed for about a month by then, so the doctor arranged for him to go into hospital in Barnard Castle.
That is not necessary the doctor has arranged all..." He gave her a beaming smile, said something to their landlady and went away.
I didn't have a regular appointment, of course, but the doctor arranged to see me soon, and I don't think any other patients objected.
If a patient needs to be hospitalized, the assigned doctor will arrange admission to the hospital connected with the plan.
His doctors could have arranged for him to get another few weeks of antibiotics at home, but he vigorously protested.
That's why the doctor arranged the sick bay for them.
"I am glad the doctor has arranged to take you out tomorrow--you can do with a little outing."