The doctor avoided Philip's eyes when he was back up on his crutch.
The guidelines were intended to help coaches and doctors avoid catastrophic head injuries to players.
But the association did not go so far as to say that doctors should altogether avoid sending patients to such businesses.
That data, at least in theory, should allow doctors to avoid the drugs that will not work.
Their goal is a tool that can help doctors avoid useless care.
But, he said, if that happens, doctors will avoid controversy by using some other term for what they are doing.
In some states doctors are retiring early or avoiding risky procedures to lower their premiums.
Often, both doctors and patients had avoided talking about death.
Yet doctors might avoid doing a high-risk procedure, even if it was a patient's only chance for survival.
It is a fact of hospital life that doctors instinctively avoid dying patients and spend more time with those who are going to get well.