Some other doctors and a few consumer groups have criticized the campaign, expressing concern it may stifle innovative approaches.
But some doctors criticize the disease management approach.
Many doctors criticize the lucrative magnet industry for not investing in studies the way drug companies often do.
Many doctors dismissed the finding as nonsense, and criticized me for reporting what they knew could not be true.
But consumer groups, labor unions, some businesses and doctors immediately criticized the proposals as far too modest.
Some doctors, however, criticized the bill, saying that its strict conditions would make it difficult to overcome the longstanding taboo against such operations here.
Many doctors criticized the decision, saying it would impose a form of medicine by cookbook that could endanger patients.
The doctor also gives advice (usually fake) and criticizes the player's actions.
Some doctors and ethicists have criticized surgeons for cutting into the womb without strong evidence that the surgery even works.
Several doctors criticized the videos for promoting rote memorization instead of actually reading.