The doctors deemed the operation a success, but his inner ear became painfully inflamed.
According to the police, the circumstances of the boy's injuries, which doctors deemed an assault, remained under investigation.
Parents are often reluctant to enter children in a blind study; they want what their doctor deems best now.
The doctors deemed the lower leg "100 percent infected."
And yet most doctors deemed my course, on he whole, an advisable one.
Maldonado ultimately lost the fight at the end of the second round, when the doctor deemed him unable to continue.
The doctor who reviewed the matter the next year deemed him qualified for service.
"But if the doctor deems that someone is in need of admission, that person is admitted."
During his passage over the sea the doctor deemed it best to keep at his present elevation.
All the patients also received a combination of older drugs that their doctors deemed to be the most appropriate.