The unions and the doctors objected and went looking for another manager for Flushing.
I don't think any reputable doctor would object to that, if it would help his patient's peace of mind.
But most doctors, trained in the tradition of teaching students on rounds, objected to pretend patients.
However, some doctors have noted that pain is actually a subjective symptom, not an objective sign, and therefore object to this classification.
Surely the doctor wouldn't object to her having a few hours off in the afternoon?
The doctor on duty objected, knowing that he could breathe only on his left side.
In rare cases, doctors have objected to treatment on moral grounds.
Some doctors have objected to donation after cardiac death because they are uneasy about taking organs too soon after a patient's heart stops.
But, according to the Times , many Republicans and doctors object, fearing that such a plan will favor low cost over high quality.
According to several doctors who attended the meeting, many doctors objected to the guidelines.