The doctor repeated the gesture for his wife and then sat down next to her, across the table from Tuck.
Your doctor will repeat the tests on a regular basis to see how you are doing.
Your doctor will repeat the test every 8 hours for 1 or 2 days if he or she still suspects that you have malaria.
The doctor and the pharmacist may repeat the process three or four times until they find a drug that is covered.
Although half of initial rejections are later overturned, the doctor or his office staff must repeat the case for the appeal.
"Not that you can remember," the doctor repeated thoughtfully.
The doctor answered her and then repeated his words, this time in English for Harriet's benefit.
"Yes," the doctor repeated as if he thought up the idea, "you should take a few days off, if that's not a problem?"
She tried a few more times without success, as the doctor repeated the same sequence of actions over and over again.
The doctor repeated what he had begun to say when the phone rang.