But in general, doctors, particularly surgeons, resist nonlatex alternatives.
Western doctors have long resisted the idea that sticking any kind of needle besides a hypodermic in patients could be good for them.
The doctor also resisted the impulse to start cleaning up.
And at times doctors have resisted change.
But the assumption that doctors can resist financial temptations has been proved wrong repeatedly in other situations.
Very few doctors will resist constant requests for this from close relatives.
Thus baited, the doctor couldn't resist rebandaging Martin in an eccentric fashion.
And some doctors who have had the test cannot resist bragging if their level is low.
Some doctors have also resisted using Trasylol because of its cost, more than $1,000 a patient, as opposed to $10 to $50 for the other drugs.
The doctors didn't resist but warned Milner not to overexert himself.