Traditionally, most doctors close the openings by sewing tissue to tissue or, in some cases, by sewing a piece of mesh in the gap.
A local doctor sewed her finger back together.
During this operation, the doctor will cut the gallbladder or bile duct and sew it to the small intestine to create a new pathway around the blocked area.
By pushing down on a part of the heart to hold it steady, doctors can sometimes sew a blood vessel onto a heart that is still beating.
After refusing anaesthetic, Shore used a mirror to watch the doctor sew the ear on.
More than 30 such attempts have taken place, beginning in 1905 when a French doctor sewed a rabbit kidney into a child suffering from renal failure.
The doctor sewed you up a little inside your mouth-there, inside your upper lip, yes.
Looking at the computer monitor while moving the instruments, the doctor punctures the virtual vessel, pulls the thread through, grabs the other vessel and sews the two vessels together.