A nice doctor had stitched it back together, but there is only so much you can do with claw marks.
After their burial the doctors quickly dig up the bodies and stitch together a physically perfect human.
As 100 reporters watched on closed-circuit television, doctors removed an ailing heart from a man in his 40's and stitched in a healthy one.
He said doctors stitched a shrapnel wound on his lower leg.
At this time, the doctor will stitch you back up, while your baby is being given his first physical.
Weaver tilted his head and tried to sit still as the female doctor stitched his neck.
"Can't you find another doctor to stitch your fingers back where they belong?"
"Yes, the same doctors who would stitch you up and leave you this way."
The doctor stitched the cut on his arm in just a few seconds.
Frank nodded, but he was shuddering so much the doctor couldn't stitch the wound.