Today, however, the rise of managed care has helped make doctor-patient communication a major issue that is drawing increasing interest from researchers.
In fact, there is no general Federal privilege protecting doctor-patient communications.
Still, with all the emphasis on doctor-patient communication, the patient side has largely been neglected.
And it requires a whole new level of doctor-patient communication.
President Clinton, consumer groups and doctors have denounced such limits on doctor-patient communications.
If doctor-patient communication is not as open and effective as you'd like, change that.
It found a number of contract provisions that doctors said could have a "chilling effect" on doctor-patient communications.
This shift toward online doctor-patient communication is important for another reason.
The campaign follows a history of proposals for both increasing doctor-patient communication and reducing waste in health care.
What looked like a straightforward case of racism, though, may well be something more complicated: a breakdown in doctor-patient communications.