Heisenberg had participated in the doctoral examination of one of them at the Universität Leipzig.
The day after he finished his last doctoral examination he started writing a novel called They Came To Cordura.
He obtained a law degree Rigorosum, oral part of the doctoral examination, in 1865 in Vienna, since at the time he was already employed and had been practicing.
It is in Swedish used almost synonymously to "university", with the only difference being that universities have the right to issue doctoral examinations.
He also took his doctoral examination in theology there.
Her doctoral examination committee members included Israel Scheffler, Sissela Bok, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Martin Linsky.
In 1994, Mr. Schmidt encountered the seemingly humdrum problem on his doctoral examinations at the University of Wisconsin.
After a number of temporary positions, interrupted by his doctoral examinations, Fortescue was eventually appointed Missionary Rector of Letchworth in Hertfordshire in November 1907.
Schwarzschild studied at the University of Göttingen and took his doctoral examination in December 1936.
In some countries, the student's advisor serves as the chair of his or her doctoral examination and/or dissertation committee(s).