This 1877 statement was partly a response to a doctrinal dispute 1873-1877 between congregations in Britain.
In many religions ex-members and excommunicates became known for doctrinal disputes with their former faith.
These and other questions assumed the status of doctrinal disputes.
Judges should not tell churches who they have to hire as ministers, or meddle in doctrinal disputes.
Willis and Zenas are alienated from each other by a doctrinal dispute.
He made some literary forays into contemporary doctrinal disputes.
He lost his job two years later when he was expelled from the party in a doctrinal dispute.
Over the years, the Amish churches have divided many times over doctrinal disputes.
In 612, he left the post because of a doctrinal dispute with the East Syrians.
Several doctrinal disputes from the 4th century onwards led to the calling of Ecumenical councils.