At the beginning of 1547, therefore, the doctrinal position of the English church was unequivocally orthodox.
His doctrinal positions became the starting point for the Franciscan school of theology.
Pentecostals and charismatics look to the Bible to support their doctrinal position.
But what was the doctrinal position of the Celtic Church?
The 28 fundamental beliefs constitute the church's official doctrinal position.
The Catholic Church does not have a doctrinal position against the death penalty.
Theologians have a clear answer - in fact quite a few of them, depending both on their faith and their relative doctrinal position within it.
It appears from the wording that this was a practical measure in 1650, not a doctrinal position.
Createdness refers the doctrinal position that the Qur'an is created.
The President may pocket veto doctrinal positions he determines to be heretical.