Under Edward VI the reform of the Church of England was established unequivocally in doctrinal terms.
Many Americans who describe themselves as conservative Christians reject any effort to lump themselves into a "movement," preferring to describe themselves in specific doctrinal terms.
Again, this is a doctrinal term, rather than an ethnic one.
"Defeat in detail is a doctrinal military term that means to defeat an enemy by destroying small portions of its armies instead of engaging its entire strength."
On recordings, music is portable, easy to separate from its original context and ready to be appreciated on esthetic rather than doctrinal terms.
Reformers explain away these half-measures in doctrinal terms: It's hard to scrap 70 years of official egalitarianism overnight.
"It's low intensity conflict, in our doctrinal terms, but it's war, however you describe it."
A full exposition of strictly doctrinal terms is beyond the scope of this article because such a listing would entail a detailed examination of Mormon doctrine.
Several doctrinal terms bear mentioning.
The works of Reading, who in doctrinal terms was a strict Calvinist, include: